
Sekaiju No Meikyuu Ost Rarest

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Sekaiju no meikyuu ost rarest 2
Posted by1 year ago

Feb 5th, 2019 (NA) and 2019 (EU) confirmed for the release of Etrian Odyssey Nexus

Check: https://atlus.com/etriannexus/

Release Information:

  • Aug 2, 2018 (JPN), 6480 yen (Physical and Digital). Single Player.

  • Feb 5th, 2019 (NA); Feb 2019 (EU). Physical and Digital. Single Player.

Background/Misc Information:

  • Etrian Odyssey Nexus will feature Japanese voice acting with no English Dub.

  • Meant to be the culmination of series that aims to bring the good things from past games, rather than adding new things.

  • The guild travels around via Flying City (Airship) called Maginia. Crown Princess of Maginia, Persephone, has asked all the adventurers from Etria, High Lagaard, Armoroad, and Tharsis to explore and find the treasure of Lemuria. No, Iorys/Aeolis is not mentioned at all.

  • Familiar labyrinths are appearing around, but not everything may be as you remember. Discovering the cause of this may be one of the objectives. The layouts are said to be 'completely different'

  • Various enemies as well as NPCs from different games also return in this game. Voice actor included, and some have newly drawn portraits. 20+ NPCs.

  • This is the largest SQ game to date, if we include labyrinths that need not be explored for the completion of the game. The volume is slightly less than double of EO5.

  • Mapping/Option/etc: all based on EO5 engine.

  • There is World Map where you can select the area to travel to (note: not EO4 Overworld).

  • First Labyrinth: Eastern Mausoleum

  • Force Boost/Break of EO2U, Subclassing of EO3/EO4 (using EO4 system with less front-loaded scaling), Customization of EO5 are the cross-over of the strengths. Even included is the difficulty selection.

Maginia Specifics

  • Inn (Lady of the Lake): operated by Vivian (with a cat named Merlin). Sleep, Save, Storage.

  • Napier's Firm: ran by yours truly, Napier (official website has her listed as Napier) from EO3. Weapon, Armor, item buy/sell, forging (EO5 style, including ingots). Note that now there are some weapons that do not require forging for the skill to be available (outside of yellow one-off items).

  • Kvasir's Tavern: ran by Kvasir. Quests and Rumours.

  • Explorer's Guild: Mueller is the Guild Master.

  • Expedition Headquarters: Persephone is the one in command of Maginia. Issues Missions.

4 Difficulty Modes: Picnic, Basic, Expert, and Heroic

  • Picnic: For those that want to enjoy the game like you are on picnic. Note that you will be locked to Picnic if you select this mode.

  • Basic: For those that ant to enjoy the adventure

  • Expert: For those that have bested many labyrinths and do not fear death

  • Heroic: For adventurers that aim above and beyond. Must be selected from start and cannot lower the difficulty once selected. You cannot play NG+ into Heroic. Outside of that, it's said to be basically same as Expert as far as difficulty goes

Guild Card

  • QR Sharing is back. You may meet the shared characters in labyrinth (a la EO5) and add them to the guild (probably a la EO5).

  • Forge, Force Break and 1T Max Damage (new) are also seen. (Thanks u/Akoto for noticing)

Classes: 18 returning classes, 1 new class.

  • Selection primarily based on the popularity vote

  • Hero class design: jack-of-all-trade.

  • EOX Original: Hero

  • EO1/EOU: Protector, Medic, Survivalist, Ronin

  • EO2/EO2U: Gunner, War Magus, Highlander

  • EO3: Farmer, Zodiac, Sovereign, Ninja, Shogun

  • EO4: Landsknecht, Nightseeker, Imperial, Arcanist

  • EO5: Harbinger, Pugilist

Character Customization:

  • Old portraits return, with the ability to recolour hair/etc like EO5. 4 Portraits each with alternative colours (except Highlander, who has 2 base like EO2U). You may use any portrait for any class.

  • 60 voices to choose from, by 33 different voice actors.

  • May change job title at the guild (i.e. custom title like EO5).

  • Skill Tree: No class proficiency like EO4 (though EO4 classes will have skill named after them). Skills are level-gated like EO4 (Novice/Veteran/Master) with level 20 and 40 cap for Veteran/Master. Versus EO5, SQX's skill tree is overall lighter on pre-req and tried to reduce situations where one needs to spend a lot of points to use a skill that they want. Therefore, it's easy to build either specialized characters or all-round characters.

  • You may spend multiple SP at once for a single skill. Also, selecting higher tier skill will ask you to spend SP for all the pre-req skills at minimum, if you have not already done so.The game asks if you want to level skill to X level, and calculates required SP (including pre-req if applicable) and asks you for confirmation with current SP.

  • Equipment: resembles EO4's system for weapon equipment - you may equip subweapon if you know the passives that enable them, or upon selecting subclass for the unit.

Sekaiju No Meikyuu Ost Rarest Animals

Guild Specifics:

  • Alter Class is no longer present.

  • Organize menu: Change Title, Retire, Rest, Dismiss, Change Name, Change Appearance, Change Equipment.

  • 60 members is the new limit.

  • Subclassing is in this game. You may select custom title instead as well.

Battle System

  • Force Boost/Force Break system is included in favour of drawing out the uniqueness of each class easily. Note that damage-boosting force boosts ate a nerf from EO2U (capping around 1.4x on average).

  • Overall UI resembles that of EO5, while Force replaces Union.

  • EO5-like stat division is applied; ATK/MAT, DEF/MDF, INT/WIS, etc.

  • Buffs/Debuffs/Passives of same category still are additive. There are few exceptions to this rule (e.g. Sovereign Arms skill, Nightseeker passives, etc).

  • Infliction Formula has changed: for non-damaging infliction skills, LUC is still the only determining factor. However, if the attack does damage and has a chance to inflict ailment or bind, [attacking stat * 2 + LUC] is used for stat portion instead of [LUC*3]. There seems to be an exception to a certain skill, but that may be a glitch.

DLC: note that these have not been announced yet for oversea release and it is from JPN release.

  • So far, free portrait DLC for early adopters. These are portraits drawn by different artists for different gaames.

  • Shigatake (Dragon's Crown) drawing Farmer, Shigenori Soejima (Persona) drawing Re:Fantasy special collaboration (details unknown), Mota (7th Dragon DS) drawing Medic, Shirow Miwa (7th Dragon 2020/VFD) drawing Nightseeker, and Yuki Takahata (Etrian Odyssey Manga) drawing Gunner

  • All previous portraits will be available as DLC. Free for first month, then starting on Sept 2, 2018, 100 yen per package (EO1/2 as one [78 ports], EO3 [71], EO4 [69], EO5 [89], and promotional arts from 10 year anniversary artbook [6]). This includes Beasts and Yggdroids and EO5 DLC ports. Also includes promotional arts and such. Total numbers are 300+. Untold story characters unknown (unlikely, and they said SQ1~SQ5 not SSQ or SSQ2 I guess). Unfortunately, customization for recolouring will not work for most of these other than EO5's compatible ones and EOX class ports. These bonus ports will not be locked to classes.

Class Specifics so far:

  • Please refer to Skill Simulator by Reina Sakuraba at: https://reinasakuraba.github.io/EO-Skill-Sim/eox/

  • Or FAQ by HououinMakise i.e. Ragnar i.e. Rea at: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/3ds/236401-etrian-odyssey-x/faqs/76142/ (but beware of a small spoiler)

  • Note that the new base level cap is 99 and new max level cap is 130.

Sekaiju No Meikyuu Ost Rarest 1

Hero: Front-liner. Attacker and Defender. One who fights with sword and shield, and one who never gives up. Has various skills to support the party and is known to attack like it isn't from a single person (referring to Afterimage). Able to equip Sword, Heavy Armor and Shield. Has passives that refer to allies' remaining HP % or covering ally with low HP.

  • On Afterimage: Afterimage takes up a party slot and will repeat the skill that Hero used on the turn it was created on the next turn (of afterimage creation), including the ones that have cooldown attached and such. Yes, Drive Blades are included. Also applicable to subclass skills. At the end of the turn (after the attack from the afterimage is done), the afterimage disappears, though there may be ways to either leverage it or prevent it. There is some passive that restores HP upon appearance of the Afterimage. These units will not be able to proc off Chaser/Counter/Link type skills.


  • Translation of the interview portion on Famitsu scan above: http://www.frontlinejp.net/2018/04/12/etrian-odyssey-x-interview-with-director-komori/

  • http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/713/1713654/ (thanks /u/DrKeithFetus)

  • https://imgur.com/a/5dW66uP (thanks Desespkmaniaco at gamefaqs).

  • https://famigeki.tumblr.com/post/173294346161/etrian-odyssey-x (above + 2 pages; thanks /u/Conifer95)


  • April 16, 2018: added some details from Gamer and dengeki. Some others still can be added. Highlander under EO2U as per /u/Angel2357's suggestion (and indeed, the sources do place Hi under SSQ2).

  • April 19, 2018: SQX main webpage updated. Class descriptions (to be added), new screenshort for Survivalist (Ranger) using Mirage Arrow (Force Break?)

  • April 24, 2018: new screenshot with Hero Force Boost/Break http://www.siliconera.com/2018/04/24/etrian-odyssey-x-teases-its-dlc-gunner-along-with-a-look-at-a-cute-hero-class-girl/

  • April 25, 2018: Hero details added (skill tree thing in progress - too small for my poor eyes). Skill tree confirmed to resemble the novice/veteran/master like EO4. Highlander and War Magus Force Boost/Break name confirmed to be the same as EO2U. Thanks /u/violentlycar for some translations.

  • April 26, 2018: http://www.frontlinejp.net/2018/04/26/etrian-odyssey-x-interview-with-battle-system-dev/ is basically translation/summary of stuff on April 25, 2018. Thanks Major Setsuna for sharing the link. Fixed Afterimage mechanics as per translated interview.

  • May 1, 2018: https://gematsu.com/2018/05/etrian-odyssey-x-details-hero-class-new-npcs-more (more detail on Hero). Thanks u/ryan5011 for the link. Also added https://www.reddit.com/r/EtrianOdyssey/comments/8f4ekk/confirmed_old_dungeons_and_monsters_and_some/ (thanks u/antoni2304)

  • May 10, 2018: updated SQ1 class skills as per SQX website update (http://sq-atlus.jp/sqx/job/sq1/). Thanks u/Angel2357 for the notice!

  • May 21, 2018: gameplay stream (watch again here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z5U_d1TfHw). Will add details later but basically some old music returning, Zodiac’s force boost/break names revealed, Hero’s Mirage in action, new DLC info (every class portrait returns. Beast and Bushi included. Time-limited free DLC and then available at cost later). Worldmap events/battle, non-combatant NPC (will have labyrinth interactions)... etc. I need to sleep.

  • May 23, 2018: updating Medic and Survivalist as per official website. Will update basic skill tree stuff eventually.

  • June 1, 2018: PV#2 at https://youtu.be/mw4Vh-xhe4Y. First Strike (EO3) returns, and multiple SP spending at once (including pre-req) as well as subclass prompting using class name or picking custom title, more WM skills, and stuff.

  • June 4, 2018: SQ2 page updated with Gunner/WM signature skills and force skills. Thanks u/Angel2357 for the news!

  • June 8, 2018: SQ2 page updated with Highlander trailer. SQ3 page now has Sov info. Added accordingly. Also basic skill tree for SQ2 classes is now available at https://www.atlus.co.jp/news/8636/. Working on it.

  • June 15, 2018: Shogun and Zodiac page updates on SQX website.

  • June 22, 2018: Ninja and Farmer updated (with trailer for EO3 classes). Will add the details gradually.

  • June 29, 2018: EO4 Landsknecht/Nightseeker updated.

  • July 4, 2018: Hey, who knew? Atlus will let us have 1 Turn Max Damage on the Guild Card.

  • July 6, 2018: Imperial and Arcanist updated.

  • July 12, 2018: Pugilist and Harbinger added! (Some translation changed/added from u/violentlycar). Also http://www.4gamer.net/games/415/G041562/20180709077/ (will add more later but Heroic difficulty is only selectable from the start and you are locked in. But not as big of a jump from Expert?)

  • July 15, 2018: Countdown to release begins; official twitter (https://twitter.com/SQ_kouhou) will upload more information every day for each class. Hero stuff added.

  • Jul 19, 2018: fixed medic stuff. Thanks u/RegalStar!

  • July 23, 2018: https://mobile.twitter.com/SQ_kouhou/status/1021320036298833922. LOL Atlus.

  • u/RegalStar has been hard at work: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RZn2zzkVOkcqQfSOHMprtCKxJnknuLfNHkUmYYgZ7tE/htmlview

  • Aug 15, 2018: as per new announcement of Etrian Odyssey Nexus, added that info. Also, skill descriptions are out of date and we now have Skill Simulator by Reina Sakuraba based on datamine/translation from HououinMakise and etc (check the FAQ page for credits there), so I have removed the outdated descriptions and replaced with the links.

  • Jan 17, 2019: edit. Got rid of returning labyrinths in favour of clarity. Slight changes to terms per official website. Check the updates at: https://atlus.com/etriannexus/

Etrian Odyssey
Genre(s)Role-playing, dungeon crawler
Platform(s)Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS
First releaseEtrian Odyssey
January 18, 2007
Latest releaseEtrian Odyssey Nexus
August 2, 2018
Spin-offsEtrian Mystery Dungeon

Etrian Odyssey[a] is a dungeon crawlerrole-playing video game series. It is primarily developed and published by Atlus and currently owned by Sega. By 2016, the series had sold a combined total of 1.5 million copies worldwide.[1]

  • 1Titles


Main series[edit]

Etrian Odyssey
The first game in series, it was first announced by Atlus through Famitsu after demonstrating it behind closed doors at E3 2006. It was released in 2007 in Japan and the Americas, and the following year in PAL regions.
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard
Towards the end of 2007, Atlus announced a sequel to Etrian Odyssey.[2] It was reported that the game would feature 12 job classes and that Yuji Himukai, Makoto Nagasawa and Yuzo Koshiro would reprise their roles, with Shigeo Komori taking on the role of director. All of character classes are reused, along with three new classes: Beast, Gunner, and War Magus. The mapping system was improved, with new symbols that can be added to the map for more detailed and accurate maps. The sequel was released on February 21, 2008, in Japan and in North America on June 17, 2008. The game did not release in any other region.
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City
The Drowned City features ocean exploring in addition to dungeon exploring, both with the familiar mapping system. In addition, the classes from previous games are removed in favor of all-new classes. The game released in Japan on April 1, 2010, and in North America on September 21, 2010. The game did not release in any other region.
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
Legends of the Titan was the first game in the series for the Nintendo 3DS. It featured a traversable overworld in addition to dungeon exploration. It was released in Japan on July 5, 2012, in North America on February 26, 2013,[3] and in Europe on August 30, 2013.[4]
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth
In late November 2014, Atlus announced other two Etrian Odyssey along with Etrian Mystery Dungeon. It was released in Japan on August 4, 2016, in North America on October 17, 2017 and in Europe and Australasia in November 2017.
Etrian Odyssey Nexus
Released in Japan on August 2, 2018, and was released outside of Japan on February 5, 2019.[5][6]


Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl is a semi-remake of Etrian Odyssey which features animated cutscenes and voice acting. It was released in Japan on June 27, 2013,[7] in North America on October 1, 2013 and in Europe on May 2, 2014.
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight is a remake of Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard in the vein of Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl. It features a story mode with a set of characters, cutscenes, an orchestrated soundtrack and many new features. It was released in Japan on November 27, 2014 and in North America on August 4, 2015, and in Europe on February 12, 2016.[8]


Etrian Mystery Dungeon
Etrian Mystery Dungeon is a crossover of the Mystery Dungeon and Etrian Odyssey series. Instead of the first-person view of the dungeon, it was changed to a third-person angle where players can see everything at an aerial view. The original game system has been changed into the Mystery Dungeon'sturn-based strategy where the player is allowed a period of analysis before deciding on a move to make, committing to it, then waiting for the opponent or enemy to make their turn. This is followed by the next round of play where the player makes their turn again. The game was released on March 5, 2015 in Japan and April 7, 2015 in North America.[9] It was released in Europe on September 11, 2015.[10]
Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2
A sequel to Etrian Mystery Dungeon was released in Japan on August 31, 2017.[11]


  1. ^Known in Japan as Sekaiju no Meikyuu (世界樹の迷宮, lit. Labyrinth of the World Tree, stylized as Sekaiju no MeiQ)


  1. ^'Sega Intellectual Properties - Annual Report 2016'. Sega Sammy Holdings. 2016. Retrieved 14 February 2017.
  2. ^IGN Staff (3 October 2007). 'Etrian Odyssey Sequel Announced'. IGN. Retrieved 2 August 2017.
  3. ^Madden, Orla (2012-11-21). 'Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan Dated For North America'. Nintendo Life. Retrieved 2011-11-22.
  4. ^Whitehead, Thomas (2013-07-16). 'Etrian Odyssey IV Confirmed for European Release on 30th August'. Nintendo Life. Retrieved 2013-10-06.
  5. ^https://gematsu.com/2018/04/etrian-odyssey-x-announced-for-3ds
  6. ^Jenni. 'Etrian Odyssey Nexus Arrives In The West In February 2019'. Siliconera. Retrieved 15 August 2018.
  7. ^Mallory, Jordan. 'Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl maps out 3DS this fall'. AOL Tech. Retrieved 2013-06-17.
  8. ^Romano, Sal (April 14, 2015). 'Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold coming to Europe in early 2016'. Gematsu. Retrieved April 15, 2015.
  9. ^Collier, Shawn. 'Stand Next To Royalty With Etrian Mystery Dungeon's Sovereign'. engadget. Retrieved 2015-03-17.
  10. ^Romano, Sal (April 14, 2015). 'Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker and Etrian Mystery Dungeon coming to Europe this fall'. Gematsu. Retrieved April 15, 2015.
  11. ^http://sq-atlus.jp/sfd2/
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