
Playstation 2 Serial Number

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You may also locate the model number by looking on the retail box. It can be found by looking on the top of the box (the side where the handle is located) and is printed below the contents of the box. PlayStation 3 models. Model Number, Hard Drive Capacity, USB Ports, Storage Media Slots, PlayStation 2 Software.

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(ported from mod-chip.com) Source: Link Mirror
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PS2 Models Chart
How do I know which Playstation2 model# I have?
Click Here to see the guide on how to fetch the correct model number of your PS2 console.
NOTE: On the back side of your Playstation2 you find a number beginning with 'SCPH-', the following number is the model number!

SCPH-90000 / 90001 / 90002 = V18 / GH-070-42

The motherboard and the laser unit (KHM 430C) is complete different as from the other versions. Also the the power supply was integrated into the case.
  • SCPH-7900x (for North America)
  • SCPH-7900x (for PAL = Europe / Australia / Israel)
Motherboards: GH-061-12, GH-061-51

The motherboard is a bit different from last SCPH-7000x versions.
North America:
  • 2 types released:
    • Version 15A : SCPH-77001a / GH-051-02
    • Version 15B : SCPH-77001b / GH-051-51
Main Board updated: GH-051-02, GH-051-51
Europe/Australia: SCPH-77004, 77003, 77002

The motherboard is a bit different from last SCPH-70011/70012/70001 versions.
  • SCPH-75001 (for North America)
  • SCPH-75004, 75003, 75002 (for PAL = Europe / Australia / Israel)
Main Board updated: GH-037 / 041, GH-036 / 040
GH-037-01, GH-037-02, GH-040-11, GH-040-12, GH-040-51, GH-041-04, GH-041-14, GH-041-33, GH-041-34(BIOS B6120B D0020U), GH-040-52, GH-040-72
  • SCPH-70001 (for North America)
  • SCPH-70004 (for Europe)
  • The Warranty Sticker location has moved from the back and is now located directly over one of the (6) screws on the v13 underside.
  • Another major change includes the removal of the Phone Line from the back of the v13 console, however, the Network Line is still present.
  • There is also a small layout change around the Motor Driver IC of the PSTwo mainboard (now GH-032-XX).
Main board GH-032-13, GH-032-24, GH-032-32, GH-035-42, GH032-44, GH-035-43 (BIOS B2110A D1010U), GH-032-64

  • The new mini (Slim-Line) PS2 SCPH-7000x
  • SCPH-70000 CB (for Japan)
  • SCPH-70002 CB (for Oceania)
  • SCPH-70003 CB (for UK)
  • SCPH-70004 CB (for Europe)
  • SCPH-70011 CB (for North America)
  • SCPH-70012 CB (for United States)
Motherboard: GH-035-11 - GH-035-21 - GH-035-22 - GH-035-31 - GH-035-41 - GH-035-61 - GH-035-71
GH-032-11, GH-032-12, GH-032-21, GH-032-22, GH-032-31 (BIOS 1110A) GH-035-4
  • Only released in Europe.
  • The model # is SCPH-50004 with a GH-027 or GH-029 board.
  • Same board as V10 but console comes with a new laser unit.

Version 10 - SCPH 50001
USA - The way to tell if you have a v10 and not a v9 without physically opening the PS2 unit is checking to see what type of material is 'holding' the unit in the blue box. Version10 units are held via a cheap card board material. Otherwise the motherboard will read off GH-026
  • If have a USA/CANADA SCPH-50001 AND if you can find DATE CODE 3D as shown below, you have a V10 PS2 main board (GH-026 board).
  • SCPH 50001 / 50010 Date Code 3D is a V10.
  • Update: SCPH-50001 date code 4C is also a v10

  • If you have a PAL (EUROPE/AUSTRALIA) SCPH-50002/3/4 AND if you can find 'a' as shown below, you have a V10 PS2 main board (GH-026 board).
  • You can also check if your PS2 is a V9 or a V10 version start up your PS2 with no game in it, press triangle and check DVD driver version.
    • DVD VER 3.00=V9
    • DVD VER 3.02=V10

Version 9 - SCPH 50001
USA - The way to tell if you have a v9 and not a v10 without physically opening the PS2 unit is checking to see what type of material is 'holding' the unit in the blue box. Version9 units are being held via a styro foam material. Otherwise the motherboard will read off GH-023
  • If your model # is SCPH-50000, 50001, 50010, 50002, 50003 or 50004 you have a V9 PS2 main board (GH-023 board).
  • SCPH 50001 / 50010 date code 3a-3b-3c is a V9.
  • SCPH-55006/55007 GT ( white console ) is also a V9.

Version 8 - SCPH 39001
USA - NO true way to identify your unit until you physically open your ps2. If and when you have opened your PS2, the motherboard will read off GH-022
  • Only released in the Japanese market. The model # can be SCPH-39000 or SCPH-39006 (GH-022 BIOS 090).

Version 7- SCPH 39001
USA - NO true way to identify your unit until you physically open your ps2. If and when you have opened your PS2, the motherboard will read off GH-017
  • If your model# is SCPH-39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39004 or 37000 you have a V7 PS2 main board.

Version 5 - There are 2 Motherboards for the SCPH 30001R
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U1 Date Code 1D = Version 5
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U3 Date Code 1D = Version 5
  • USA SCPH 30001R Version 5 Motherboard
  • Please check below if you have a V5/V6 PS2 main board.
  • The model numbers can be SCPH-30000R, SCPH-30001 R, SCPH-30002 R, SCPH-30003 R, SCPH-30004 R, SCPH-30006 R
  • But also some SCPH-30000, SCPH-30001, SCPH-30002, SCPH-30003 and SCPH-30004 PS2 have a V5/V6 main board.
  • The model shown below is used for reference only.

  • Make sure to double check that the screw shown below is actually in your system.
  • Simply take out the expansion slot cover,turn round your PS2 and check to see if the screw shown below is in your console, if it is, you have a V5/V6 console.
  • If you don't have the screw in the expansion slot you have an older V1-V4 PS2 board or a V7 board.

Serial Number Idm

Playstation Serial Number Lookup

Version 4 (with electrical warning stamped on the bottom) = 8 Screws at base of PS2
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U0, Date Code 1C = Version 4
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U1 Date Code 1C = Version 4
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U2 Date Code 1C = Version 4
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U3 Date Code 1B = Version 4
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U4 = Version 4
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U5 Date Code 1C = Version 4
  • USA SCPH 35001, GT3 Edition = Version 4
Version note: All SCPH 35001 and V4 with a date code of 1a or 1b are Phoenix/Messiah-compatible.
  • Please check below if you have a V4 PS2 main board.
  • The model # can be SCPH-30000, SCPH-30001, 35001, SCPH-30002, 35002, SCPH-30003, 35003, SCPH-30004, 35004
  • If the marked screw doesn't show up in the expansion bay of your PS2 then please take a look on the bottom of the PS2 case. If there is an electrical hazard warning on the bottom of the case then it is a V4.

OK, I have a V4, but how do i tell if i have a GAP or NO GAP version?

Version 1, 2 and 3 = 10 Screws at base of PS2 (see screw diagram below)
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U1 = Version 1
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U0 = Version 2
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U1, Date Code 1A = Version 3
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U2, Date Code 1A = Version 3
  • USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U2, Date Code 0D = Version 3
  • Please check below if you have a V1/V2/V3 PS2 main board.
  • Turn the playstation upside-down and check how many screws there are.
  • The screws are covered by black plastic or rubber hole covers.
  • You can easily remove the screw covers by prying them off with a small flat head precision screwdriver.

  • If you have 10 bottom screws you have a V1, V2 or V3 PS2 model.
  • Version 4, 5/6 and 7 consoles can be differentiated from previous versions as they only have 8 screw covers on the underside of the console.

Console Versions 1 to 3

reader comments

4 with 4 posters participating

Ever gotten those annoying Disc Read Error messages on your Playstation 2? If you have, I'll bet the first time you saw one was on the 31st day you've had it, after the Sony 30-day warranty expired. If you're real lucky, your PS2 might last two or even three years; eventually this error will hunt down your PS2 and settle down there. If it only affects you some of the time ? you might be able to play some DVD movies, but your favorite one never loads, or you can only play PSone games and not silver-colored PS2 games ? then chances are it's not a serious error and only requires minor adjustments to your PS2. Since it is out of warranty, there's little risk in opening it up and trying to fix it yourself before paying to send it back to Sony's repair center. The following guide shows you how to get the PS2 open, clean it out, make your adjustments, and put it back together without any hassles.

Before we begin, I'd just like to say that if your PS2 is under warranty, get this taken care of by Sony. It's not worth voiding your warranty if you can survive without it for a week or so. If your PS2 can't read anything at all, cross your fingers and read on, but you may have a more serious issue than we can fix.

I am using a model SCPH-30001 Playstation 2, with a U serial number. Newer models have different heatsinks and even a different chip layout on the motherboard. Some instructions may vary or not apply for other models.

My apologies to modem users, but I'm going to throw in a lot of pictures. You'll find plenty of other PS2 repair guides, but most have blurry pictures, pictures taken from across the room, or none at all. My aim is to show you every little part you have to deal with, so there's no confusion. Remember, spare parts are not your friend!

We're only going to need a few tools for this. Grab your PS2, a normal-size Phillips and a flathead screwdriver, a small or jeweler's size Phillips screwdriver, a can of compressed air, and one each of (if you own any): a DVD, a PSone game, a silver PS2 game, and a blue PS2 game (namely Contra: Shattered Soldier). I've chosen Army of Darkness, Final Fantasy Tactics, GTA: Vice City, and Contra. To my knowledge, there is only a handful of blue games, so if you don't have one there's no need to worry.

During the repair of your Playstation 2, we'll be taking the device apart. Most of the supports will be taken out, so be careful you don't bend or break any of the connectors on the various ports or internally. We'll also be taking apart the loading tray. This includes a Class 1 laser, which can blind you. The easiest precaution is to make sure your PS2 is left off when the disc tray is open.

PS2, screwdrivers, pliers and a can of air (not shown)

Collect them all!

By the time you're through with this article, all of the above should work in your PS2, with the exception of the blue PS2 game. For some reason, Konami decided to find the only color the PS2 has a hard time dealing with and throwing one of the best games on it. Some people have never had a problem with this game, other people have never been able to load it. The best we're hoping for is that we can get it to load at least 10% of the time. More on that later.

To begin with, remove any add-ons you might have for your Playstation 2, like the Network Adaptor. They'll just get in the way. Flip the Playstation 2 upside down and remove all the rubber feet and square tabs. Get the edge of the flathead screwdriver or a knife underneath them to pop them out. I've circled them on the picture below ? 4 rubber feet and 6 square tabs. There's a few you can leave on, but they might get in your way later.

Remove all 10 tabs

That wasn't so hard . . .