Lester Betsy Ross Spinet Piano Serial Numbers
The Lester Piano Company, an American standard, was established in 1888 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. These were well built affordable pianos and have many good qualities. Lester Piano Company was well know for their Grand pianos, full size uprights and the Betsy Ross Spinet. The company went out of business around 1960. These pianos are consistent and usually worthy of antique piano restoration. Lester also made Leonard, Bellaire, Cable & Sons, Channing, Gounod, Lawrence Regent Schilling, Schubert, and Alden pianos.
Lester Upright Piano Value
Betsy Ross Piano Lester Spinet
According to bluebookofpianos.com, a Lester piano with this serial number would have been manufactured in 1953. What year would a Lester Betsy Ross Spinet piano be with the serial number 292564? Check out this website. It looks like it would be a 1957 model. What year is Wurlitzer spinet piano serial?